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Starting This Month: The Writing for Performance Group’s New Season!

Every other Tuesday 6.30 – 8.30pm; The Community Room, The Bayle, Folkestone.

17 September

1 Oct

15 October

29 October

12 November

26 November

3 December 

Get in touch now if you would like to join our Writing for Performance Group or would like more information:

The Writing for Performance group meets regularly and gets anyone who has an interest in writing for the stage opportunities to quickly see their work in the hands of actors – whether that is with our Community Theatre actors or the Ensemble actors.

Like with the Community Theatre group’s goal of getting on our feet and acting at every opportunity, our goal with the WfP group is to quickly get pieces up on their feet & read.  We believe that the ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’ - that is, things must be judged by seeing them in action, rather than endlessly re-writing and self-judgement.

Writing something specifically for the theatre will always sound different when performed by an actor or someone within the group than in your head and can only be complete once performed.  You will never know its impact until it is presented to others as a performance. 

FPAC’s goal is, over the next 18 months, to be presenting new pieces of writing in our wonderful newly kitted-out flexible theatre space at the Sunflower House by members of the Ensemble or Community Theatre group and written by our Writing for Performance members.

One of FPAC’s core values is accessible training opportunities.  Training in drama skills such as voice, character & text analysis, and playwrighting are offered alongside ‘soft’ skills such as verbal and non-verbal communication, empathy, teamwork, fitness, well-being and self-confidence.  We also look to combat social isolation through these regular creative social gatherings.  The FPAC WfP group is a place where you can have a cuppa and a natter with friends and enjoy the freedom of writing creatively for a couple of hours.

No experience is necessary.  Drop us a line at or visit our website to get in touch. 

With support from local councillors, the FPAC’s Writing for Performance sessions have secured funding for another term. With their generous help, we have been able to pay the facilitator and for the space at the Community Room, The Bayle.  FPAC’s Writing for Performance sessions are for those who have an interest in making theatre in a supportive environment. Being creative and expressive in a supportive environment is key to the success of our work and we are so grateful for the local support of our efforts.

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