In my final post setting out the various strands of FPAC, I am very excited about our new Writing for Performance group which started earlier this year. This completes my vision of a three-pronged approach to theatre-making. We work closely with the Community Theatre group & the professional Ensemble to create new & exciting pieces by local writers for a local audience.
Like with the Community Theatre group’s goal of getting on our feet and acting at every opportunity, our goal with the WfP group is to quickly get pieces up on their feet & read by actors. We believe that the ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’ - that is, things must be judged by seeing them in action, rather than endlessly re-writing and self-judgement.
Writing something specifically for the theatre will always sound different when performed by an actor or someone within the group than in your head – this is, perhaps, what differentiates us from a literary writing group – it can only be complete once performed and so you will never know its impact until it is presented to others as a performance. So no matter what ‘shape’ you think your writing is in, please do bring it to the Writing for Performance session!
FPAC’s goal is to over the next 18 months be presenting new pieces of writing in our wonderful newly kitted-out flexible theatre space by members of the Ensemble, Community Theatre group and written by our Writing for Performance members.